Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Case of the Blue Carbuncle

An original adaptation, created by Saltworks staff

Mr. Neville St. Clair has been seeing a mysterious mustachioed man outside his window at night ever since the disappearance of his wife, Melora. He is distraught, disquieted, and afraid. The police do not seem to be making any headway, so to whom does he turn for aid? The calm and collected Dr. John Watson and the only consulting detective in the world with the most intriguing, unexplainable mind, Miss Sherlock Holmes.

Gather the clues along with our cast of characters as they race around London trying to solve the mystery in time.

Prepare yourself – the game is afoot!

Friday, April 25th at 7:00pm
Saturday, April 26th at 7:00pm

Tickets are $10 at the door

Featuring: Trevor Buda, Korey Grecek, Lexie Hellinger, Michael Kirk, Devin Marshall, Eric Molina,
& Lauren Scheller-Wolf

Fun for the whole family!