Use this form to register additional children
for Spring 2020.

Registering for an acting class is a 2-part process:

1 – Fill out registration form (below).

2 – Payment

After filling out the form, you will be re-directed to the Saltworks web page where you will need to continue registration through the Paypal security system. You do not need to have a Paypal account to register through the Paypal system. Most major credit cards are accepted in the Paypal system.

Your child is not considered registered until both parts of the registration process has been completed.

For more information on classes, contact Rachel at or 412-621-6150 x-205.

For more information on online registration or payment, contact Kay at or 412-621-6150 x-203.

Note: There is a small convenience fee for online registration.

Fill out this form to begin the online registration process for second (or more) child in same family.

Online Registration - Spring 2020 - Sibling
Fields marked with an * are required
Birth Date
Type Copy
Select Camp